Setting up a VID Worker

How to set up a VideoCoin worker

VID Workers accept video workloads from the VideoCoin Network, processes and submits it back to the network. This worker is availabe as a convenient Docker Image that can run on any platform.

Platform specific binaries are available for NVidia Jetson and Raspberry Pi, you can learn more about those here

Create an account on VideoCoin Network Console

You can sign up here

Login and click on the worker section

Add a New Worker

Click on "New Worker" and a automatically named worker is created for you, along with a unique worker ID

Click through on the worker name and you can now see the client ID

Save this client ID

Get the VideoCoin Worker Docker image

You can find the Docker image here.

docker pull videocoinnetwork/worker

Create a Configuration File


KEY here is the contents of your VideoCoin Wallet Keyfile.

SECRET is the password for the keyfile.

Save it into a file called vars.env

Your keyfile and secret are used locally on the worker to sign transactions.

Generating a Key and triggering the bridge

VideoCoin Wallet is compatible with Ethereum, so you can use a standard wallet create tool like

ethkey generate

Once you have the key, you'll need VID on the native VideoCoin Blockchain.

You can use your publisher wallet to send in ERC20, which is automatically bridged to a native VID.

Once the native VID is bridged and available, you can move it into your Worker address using the VideoCoin Bridge tool. Since the bridge tool is going to be public at the Everest Release, you can send an email to to get your transaction processed.

Run the worker

docker run --rm --env-file vars.env videocoinnetwork/worker:latest

Thats it! Your worker will now be waiting to receive work

Last updated